Friday, October 06, 2006

Naughty North Korea

So North Korea is going to test a nuclear weapon. Is that a weapon of mass destruction? I would have thought so. And yet we don’t see the US rushing in to topple this cruel and dangerous ‘evil doer’. Instead it has been left to the UN to form a plan to deal with Mr Kim Jong Il.

It’s peculiar that the media hasn’t really questioned Mr Bush or Mr Howard over this issue. We went to war over suspicions of WMDs but when someone stands up and says “We’ve got em! Look!” our government just tut-tuts them and has a chat with their ambassador.

The really strange thing is that
North Korea is rumoured to have lots of oil. Seems like a perfect place to go to ‘liberate’ the oppressed masses. I wonder what the problem is. There’s money to be made there too. Mr Rumsfeld himself sat on the board of ABB while they sold reactors to North Korea. Think of the boon they could have with rebuilding contracts.

Anyway this is just a passing observation. A busy week has kept me from a longer post. I’ll have something more substantial for you next week if nuclear war hasn’t begun.

Thanks for visiting.

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