Friday, August 03, 2007

The Prime Minister must be a drug dealer.

I read with interest Piers Akerman’s editorial yesterday on defending the government’s handling of the farcical Haneef case.

Piers seems to think that it is important that we are tough on terrorism and therefore should detain, accuse and smear the name of innocent people in the interests of public safety. After all, rumours and hearsay are clearly enough to allow the minister to revoke a person’s visa.

I’m glad Piers thinks that way and I hope he doesn’t mind when the police arrive to arrest him and the Prime Minister. After all, Piers Akerman, by his own logic, is a drug dealer and the Prime Minister and Peter Costello must also be drug dealers.

You see there are rumours that Mr Akerman did cocaine in the 80s and continues to today. These are of course rumours, but were recorded in Hansard. That is more than enough evidence to detain him surely? If Piers has possessed cocaine he has no doubt been in contact with a drug dealer and more than likely given that dealer money. That’s material support for drug dealing. So Piers won’t mind if we now call him a ‘suspected drug dealer’.

By his own admission Mr Akerman is in regular contact with both the PM and Treasurer:

Well I'm interested in your perception that I'm seen as close to John Howard, as I speak regularly, far more regularly, with the Treasurer than I do with the Prime Minister.” (Full transcript here.)

So if Mr Akerman is a suspected drug dealer we’d better haul in Mr Howard and Mr Costello too as they must know something about Mr Akerman’s drug dealing.

And please Mr Kevin Andrews, do the right, moral thing and revoke their passports and defame them in public at every opportunity. It is only fair.

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