Thursday, September 28, 2006


Here are some new words that I would like to introduce into the Australian vernacular.

Dumbocracy: (n) Process by which disinterested and uninformed voters choose their leaders.

Fair Go: (n) Social equality afforded to those with fair skin.

Fuel Crisis: (n) Dilemma faced by motorists during a petrol price war as they try to decide whether to fill up now or wait and see if the price will fall further.

Homophone: (n) One who claims not to be a homophobe, but who sounds like one.

Idoluded: (adj) Pertaining to people with limited singing ability who audition for Australian Idol.

Media-ocrity: (n) Default level of quality aspired to by commercial television and radio. Formerly known as ‘lowest common denominator’.

Pod-estrian: (n) One who walks while listening to an iPod, completely oblivious to those around them.

Re-search: (n) Academic or scientific study based entirely on information sourced from the internet via a Google search.

Terrorist: (n) In the same way that a racist promotes unfounded fear of other races a terrorist promotes unfounded fear of terror. i.e. George W Bush is a ‘terrorist’.

Compluckwit: (n) Anyone who creates new words by merging others together for use in marketing, tabloids or blogs. Examples: Brangelina, TomKat, infotainment, pod-estrian, blog.

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